Monday, December 3, 2012

Over the pass summers

Throughout each summer since I was 5 years old I have swam with the Lindsborg WaveMakers Swim Team. One of my favorite events to swim in swim meets is the 100 free. This event can involve any stroke. You have to do at least one length of freestyle. After you do one length, you can do whatever stroke you want to do or you can continue swimming freestyle. This is one of the easiest events to swim. You don’t have to go fast in this event, but you have to pace yourself so that you have some kick left for the final lap. This past summer when league came around I got really nervous because I was swimming in all six of my events. I was scared! When it came time for the 100 free I was freaking out. I was in the fastest heat, in the 3rd fastest lane. The event started and I was swimming my heart out. I ended up getting 2nd by a millisecond. 

 Below is a link to the team I swim for over the summer.

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