Sunday, December 2, 2012


Backstroke is a stroke where you swim on your back, hence the name backstroke! In the olden days backstroke was swam using a frog kick, also known as the scissor kick. Now backstroke is like the freestyle, but on your back. According the webpage “Competitive Swimming” backstroke is not a symmetry stroke. All you have to do is lay on your back to perform the event. You flutter kick your legs and your arms go behind your head. You must start in the water for this event.    

Some pointers on freestyle.

       Freestyle came from Richard Cavill. It is also known as the front crawl or Australian crawl. To swim the freestyle you swim on your stomach and flutter kick. Your hands move forward like you are crawling.  For this event you can start on the blocks, on the ledge, or in the water.

Some history on swimming

Swimming started in the early 1800’s in Europe. Around 1837, there were already swim meets being held in London weekly. There were six pools in the city. As the sport grew more pools were being built. According to the webpage, “History of the Sport”, competitive swimming was a very popular sport by 1844. The favorite of the strokes was the breaststroke.